January 12, 2010


Ok the first picture is Miss Megan Fox, from the Transformer movies, I want to be her when I grow up. (which might be a problem considering she's 2 years younger than me.....) And the picture below that is Marisa Miller, a Victoria Secret and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model. (I threw Kenny in there for the viewing pleasure of the rest of ya'll) These girls are my motivation at the time. Every year I have a motivation picture that I usually pick out of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition that I put on my fridge in a pathetic attempt to keep myself out of the dang fridge. It has yet to work obviously but when I wake up in the morning and Marisa's abs are the first thing I see I must admit it makes me rethink having that leftover lo-mein for breakfast. Now I know that they're RE-DONK-ULOUS bodies are impossible to achieve by a regular Joe like myself but I have convinced myself that this is the year. My abs will resemble, or at least attempt to be close to the same vacinity as resemble these chicas and do you know how I am going to make this happen?? By posting this:

No your eyes are not decieving you. That is me in all my glory boating last May. Mind you there will be an after picture. This one was taken May 13th, 2009 so that is when I plan to have something done about my "problem areas". Now that doesn't mean going all diet crazy. I love food and my occasional beverage so lets be realistic here. I'd be happy with my waist being smaller than my hips, seriously. I'm sure putting down the Miller Lite I'm holding could be an easy step one. That along with no Chinese for breakfast just might make this year a success. Wish me luck. I'll need it. 

1 comment:

brie said...

this made me giggle. you and a beer, lovin' life. i think you have a smokin' bod already, and yes it's true, "normal" people can't achieve their insane bodies - also, this is coming from a former model who knows her biznass: there is a 99% chance that those photos have been retouched to outline abs or shave off and inch or two. so, don't get too crazy trying to lose weight, or else you'll land a feeding tube like yours truly. :)