December 23, 2009


It's official. I have baggage. I am one of "those girls." Everyone has baggage, don't get me wrong, but I think mine is the good kind. I am a single mom. I have been for 8 months and as much as my ex hates to hear it it was the best decision of my life. My little Brynn is 3 1/2 and she is the best baggage, the carry on kind so she never leaves my side. She is my mini me, my heart and soul, my good days and the reason I can smile every day. Her daddy is also the good kind, because I am no longer with him. I loved and I learned and I am a better person and in a better place in my life because of it. I do have some bad baggage, the emotional kind. But honestly no one gets to see that. My life is an open book and I will tell anyone anything they want to know but if you ask me to "express my feelings" I will tell you to take a hike, it's not going to happen. Is that unhealthy of me? Absofreakinlutely. Have I and do I need maybe just a teeny tiny bit of therapy for it? Bet your booty. But I will deal with it when I'm ready. If I ever get on that straight and narrow path. Right now I am frolicking in the woods on my no path and that's how I like it.

1 comment:

brie said...

Oh, T!

LOVED this post. LOVE your positivity.

I'm going to have my sister, who is getting a divorce, read this. I honestly think it will help her.

I heart thee and they fake boobies.