December 29, 2009


It is that time of year again. The time where I vow to lose the last 20lbs of baby weight that still follows me around from having my baby 3 1/2 years ago, or promise I will stay away from junk food, or start keeping a journal, (blogging is like a journal right?), or take the stairs instead of the elevator, blah blah blah. My goal this year is to be realistic. Wrap up some loose ends in my life to cause me less stress, sounds pretty simple right?? First things first, I MUST find a way to get to a gym. I'm not going to make a weight goal or inches goal because that basically ends up making me eat more. I'm not a fan of being restricted. I just need to work out. Get off my ace and walk around the block for heck sakes. I feel better, which in turn makes me happier and if Reese is happy everyone is happy. The hard part is finding the time, and something to do with the kiddo so I can make it happen. Hmmm, this one will take some thought.
Next I am going to wrap up the divorce. It will be finito, done, over, no turning back, sometime before my birthday.
I want to read a book a month. That's fairly realistic. Once I get started reading I can read one in a weekend and I'm really hoping to read more than just the one a month but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen.
This is a whammy but take Brynn to church. She needs it, it's important to her, which in turn makes it important to me. Every kid needs something to believe in and a morals and value compass. That's what church is for. We will go. Maybe not often, but we will go.
I will focus on "mom stuff". I'm terrible at mom stuff. Like cooking from scratch, thank you cards, birthday presents, dishes done every night. They may seem small little things but I suck at it. This also leads me to my next one.
I want to make something from scratch that only I know the recipe to. I would really like to do this one seasonally, so 4 times a year. I will set the bar low, trying to be realistic.
Financially get my sh*t together. Seriously. An overhaul is in the works. Hopefully moving and divorce finalizing will help with all of this. I am terrible with details and the details are what screw me so tying up those loose ends and counting my pennys should pay off. I'm hoping anyway.
So that's the list. I do however reserve the right to alter such list according to my needs whenever I feel necessary. It's my list, I can do what I want with it.

1 comment:

brie said...

Wow, for heck sakes, you have a lot of resolutions! If you join a gym, most now have a daycare there, so you can take Little B with you, and she can just play while you cardioize.

I'm proud of you for your resolutions. Betta get going on 'em , sista!